Friday, October 25, 2013

Contracts We Make

I have been working hard on unveiling and healing myself of the deepest wounds within. While doing this, I was blessed with one magnificent vision and a moment where that still small voice of my guides came through to teach me.

The first vision is me as a newborn. I am swaddled in brilliant light and love as I am held in my Creator's arms. It is when I realize I am truly a child born of this Creator- GOD.

Secondly, I remembered times as a very young child when my brother (only 15minths older) had to ride a bus to school. This was a school for children who, like my brother, had been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. I looked up to see my mom weeping as her first born child had to leave for school. My mom hated the school, but at the time, most public schools would not take children with any physical issues no matter how slight.

Right then as I dried her tears the best I could for my size, I made a covenant with myself: I would never cause my parents any pain if I could help it. This promise was kept to myself and caused many unnecessary issues later on.

My guides made it clear that I was not to make covenants with others UNLESS they know and agree to them. By trying to be so noble at age 3 or 4, I did not have the information necessary to realize the impact of my solo promise!

Pain is available to teach us so there is no way to prevent or escape it. It is how we deal with the fear of the pain as well as the pain that matters and helps our spirits grow.

I am thankful for all my lessons and gladly look to more.

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