Sunday, October 22, 2017

What's Really Going On

Since my father passed away in February 2013, I have been extremely ill.  My thyroid failed and caused my organs to begin shutting down; nearly every four months, I was hospitalized for some crisis and was told I was close to death.  I suffered blood clots, pneumonia, anemia requiring multiple was prison.

After my last hospitalization, I vowed I would finally get well.  I worked on myself nonstop, uncovering every last shred of fear, anger, and lack of forgiveness I could find.  I stayed away from doctors thinking that I was finally healing.

Yesterday, I received a call from my doctor telling me he would not renew my thyroid medication until he saw me in his office!  I broke down, fearing the worst.  At that moment, I realized that I had not fully healed but instead had been avoiding certain issues which needed addressing!  A new lesson!

Everything went well at my appointment and I learned that avoiding is not healing.  It is essential that we dig deep, see everything clearly and go into all the unlit corners so we can illuminate what needs work.

Knowing this has helped immensely...every moment I remember my Truth is freedom.

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