Many years ago when I was beginning my spiritual journey of discovery, I was graced with meeting with two very powerful women who could work with energy and "hold space".
Because they were so strong, I knew I could work with them and not hold back my own energy - my energy was powerful, but I knew it would never overwhelm them.
I was having some trouble controlling the power of my energy that came from my solar plexus. I found that there were times when I could physically push people away just with this energy. I needed to understand more about this and how to use it properly.
I worked first with one woman at her house, and then after a couple of hours, her friend appeared...we were taking a tour of the house which was built by my friend's father on Mt. Washington in the Los Angeles area. This location has extremely powerful energy in its own right and there is also a spiritual center located there.
We were completing the tour when suddenly I felt the most intense pain go through my throat, chest and solar plexus. I could barely remain standing. I tried to breathe through it and relax, but the pain was so severe - my mother had passed away at age sixty from a heart attack while she slept. Her brother had died at age forty-five from the same, so of course I was worried - actually downright afraid.
My friends could see this was something big, so they asked me if they could help from an energy standpoint. "YES!" I gasped. I stood up and had one friend in front of me and the other woman at my back with her hand between my shoulder blades. I closed my eyes.
First, I was in total darkness. I seemed to be stuck or held in place...nothing could move.
My friend in front of me realized she was blocking the energy from flowing freely, so she got up and moved slightly - Everything opened up!
Whoosh! Suddenly, although still in complete darkness, I knew I was spirit only, but now I could feel my mother's spirit. Her essence was literally wrapped around my spirit holding and protecting me!
As I listened, I could hear the voice of Mother Craddock (my mom's great-grandmother - she adored my mom)! She was calling my mom by her nickname, "Dinny". "Dinny, she is safe now. She has found her way, you can let her go and she will be protected." My mom took a few beats. The pain in my chest was crushing me.
After that moment, my mom released me and moved into the arms of her beloved great-grandmother. The pain was gone! I expanded.
My mom, Mother Craddock and I said our good-byes and I thanked my mom for making sure I found my path and was safe! They moved on into light. I opened my eyes and I knew I had been totally transformed!
My friends talked with me for quite some time after that. I noticed they were staring at my face! At the same time, they both exclaimed that I looked different physically. They assured me I was fine, but told me not to be surprised if I saw the change when I looked in the mirror!
I wasn't worried... something major had shifted within me. After this experience, I had a full understanding of something that had bothered me from the moment my mother had died - I could not feel her outside of me! I always thought I should sense her presence near me; of course, I had no idea that all this time she had literally been One with me! In fact, someone I highly respect talks about this experience as an expression of Oneness - that is very accurate.
I changed dramatically that day and ever since...I walk my path with the Angels, Jesus and God directing me. I know death is only a doorway into another dimension. Since that day, I have been blessed to have many occurrences of epiphanies and miracles occur in my life.
This is a strange, but wonderful journey we walk!