Monday, January 16, 2012


NOTE: This was first posted to Facebook in response to comments about the previoius blog post

Just wanted to shout out a huge thank you to all my FB buddies for your support and love.

However, I don't want the true point of my last post to be missed. Remember that the world and the people in it are a mirror to other words, how you are treated, the things that are happening to you are simply a reflection of just how much you love and value yourself. 

When things go wrong, don't look for the answers outside of yourself. We all come into this world with contracts we made with our spirit guides and human relationships - we make these contracts so we can learn and grow in the ways we most need. Consequently, if life is getting bumpy, it is because you are being challenged to learn and grow - there is something you need to work on.

Have faith in this...get comfortable, quiet and ask for help. I guarantee you will receive it from God, your guides or angels (whatever you believe in). Listen for that still small voice that will tell you what this problem is trying to get you to learn...

Most importantly, no matter how bad it gets, do not be afraid. Fear is such a low energy that it can block out answers and that keeps the problems front and center. Release your fear, anger and resentment so that you can receive all your answers and all the help that you are meant to receive. 

We are never given more than we are capable of handling even when it seems like things are insurmountable. And, we are always, always loved and watched over so we are never alone. The best part of this is that we are self-correcting and made to heal!! The ride may be bumby but it is never dull!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

When You're Alone and Life is Making You Lonely

I have had a rough few days. First, I have been sick off and on since Thanksgiving. This is especially hard because my dad needs me to be with him and available. Being sick has forced me to stay home and get well, making me feel incredibly guilty.
Secondly, I have had some tough calls with family ...we have never really been close but when my dad had his stroke, I was hopeful that things would change. They didn't fact, the more difficult the situation becomes, it seems the more cruel family can become as well.

Lastly, I reached out to someone for whom I have always been available and I was basically told that their issues were far more important than mine. I was devastated and feeling so alone. I hardly ever ask anyone for help because I am usually able to get myself out of these crazy places with a lot of prayer and instruction from higher help! This time was different...maybe because I am sick or because I have been under so much stress, I don't know, but I have been truly low, low, low and was so certain that this friend would be there no matter what.

My first reaction was deep hurt and then second reaction was to write out my feelings and share them. Finally, I got it! Until I love myself enough to attract the right people into my life, I will forever be disappointed. Most of us want to look outside ourselves for what is wrong in our lives..I choose to look in. When I am not attracting everything I believe I want and should be blessed with, then I am doing or not doing something crucial that needs to be looked at.

Most of the time, this comes back to how we truly feel about ourselves. Are we deserving of what we work to achieve? Are we finding friends and/or other relationships that mirror back to us what we think of ourselves, good or bad? The answers are NEVER outside...they are within as is the Kingdom of God. This is not religious in any is instead a hint to where our true power lies. WITHIN!

But, and this is critical, that power is ONLY surrounded by love and light without ego, expectation or judgment. We cannot access this power if it is bringing someone else to there knees or if it is not truly based in self love that radiates from within us.

So, I ask you...Who are you??? Are you pure love and light or do you expect to be fulfilled by those people and things that are around you? Remember, that which is around us cannot be taken with us into eternity...but love and light are more powerful than anything else and INFINITE!!

Look into your mirror...forgive yourself for everything but take your lessons to heart. And then, when you are clear and free, tell yourself how much you are loved whether or not you are part of a huge group of friends or just a few. Love yourself as you would love your best friend, you will not be disappointed.