Sunday, February 11, 2018

Forgiveness and Light

have spent a great deal of effort and time trying to understand and allow the idea that my mind (cause) creates a false reality and a world (effect) where so much pain exists.  That is the world I was living in last week with friends who (I believed) were causing so much pain.  

How was I going to get from the pain and disappointment to the place of forgiveness where I knew none of this was real...that my version of last week had not even happened?  I, me, myself did not have an answer except to spin the events around in my head over and over again hoping for some release!!!

It wasn't until I asked Holy Spirit to shift my mind (so I could see with right mindedness) that I received my answer!

There were no individual friends hurting me, there was no me to be hurt...we were all streaming ribbons and panels of the most beautiful light and colors ever created!

 My human eyesight was gone replaced by vision (my body itself had dissipated) and now light was all that existed.  Each person had become that incredible light, as if we all had been consumed back into our True Beings!!

In this existence there were no subjects, no objects and no time worn stories of inflicted pain!!  The All was free to be known as Infinite Perfection.

Account of my healing:  A Tough Week Rendered Into Light!

I was sitting here reminiscing about the last few days which found me squarely in the middle of ego dramas with friends.  Clearly I had some work to do involving forgiveness.

I became still and asked for the guidance of Holy Spirit.

Just then, I saw these friends as beams of beautiful light!  Powerful, bright, multicolored, shining beacons.  No longer were they bodies with personalities!  We were all part of the Light fueled by Love!

God healed my sight and gave me VISION.