Monday, December 25, 2017


Me:  Father, I'm going out.

"Where are you going?"

Me:  I'm not sure.

"When will you be back?"

Me:  Not sure of that either...I just need to get out.

"Ok.  I love you."

Me:  I love you too!  Maybe I'll stop by that new place you know, the one called Gaia.  I want to see what it looks like.

"My Child, it looks like every other place I've created...nothing new, nothing different, Love, energy, more Love...the same recipe!

Me:  Then why do you keep doing it?

"What do you mean?"

Me:  Why do you keep doing the same thing over and over?

"Because I Create!  That is what I do... I'm the Creator."

Me:  But don't you get tired of doing the same exact thing everyday?


Me:  Why not?  I mean what's the point of it all?

"The point is not what I Create, but what YOU make of it!!"

A Simple Christmas

A Simple Christmas

This has been a simple Christmas; yet in its simplicity, it has offered a depth of revelation, beauty, introspection and Love.

I struggled with Christmas for years.  The holidays always promised more than I ever felt they delivered.   Always, there was a sinking sensation that followed December 25th...Is that all there is?

For this season, I began early.  I resided in the knowledge that a Christmas Miracle was on its way!  There was no thought of what the miracle would be, but a true conviction that I would recognize it immediately and it would be exactly what I needed.

Additionally, I focused my actions on giving kindness to others - never believing that I had the key to what would bring them happiness, but instead asking what was wanted and then giving it with no strings attached.

Simple, direct, perfect.

My miracle arrived as an the sun bursting through a bank of clouds!  I recognized it immediately and now know that I am forever changed by this clarity and understanding.

Gifts to those who answered my queries were given in Pure Love and received with a swell of gratitude that overwhelmed and hugged me tightly!  This reaction forced me to question whether I had given or received - no doubt, probably both!

So as another December 25th fades away, I cherish simplicity of mind, body and spirit as a perfect approach to the Miracles of Christmas!